John Pomroy

John Pomroy retired as a Detective with Pomona PD after 25 years of service.  During that time, he served as a board member for Project Sister Family Services, the rape crisis agency for the east end of LA County.  He helped create the SART program in Pomona, which serves agencies in the east end of Los Angeles County, attended SART meetings, and was involved in the beginning stages of forming the CAC.  He served as the Board President of CAC for several years.

John was on the Building and Grounds committee when the CAC was looking to expand and he is the one who had the idea to move to the Masonic Homes.  He worked on that proposal for two years making sure all aspects were covered in the move, which was completed when John was serving as the CAC’s Executive Director. After serving as the Executive Director of the CAC for several years, John returned to service as a regular board member for the agency.