About The Children’s Advocacy Center

Our Mission Statement

The Children’s Advocacy Center is committed to using a multi-disciplinary team approach to assist children who are victims of physical or sexual abuse, or who have witnessed acts of violence, as well as providing these services to people of any age with developmental disabilities. All services will be provided in a supportive environment by individuals trained in national best practices to optimize positive outcomes and reduce trauma.

Our VisioN

  • That all agencies which investigate child abuse allegations within our service areas utilize the Children’s Advocacy Center.
  • That all involved agencies harmoniously work together for the sake of the children we serve.
  • That children will have one, child-friendly, neutral, and professional forensic interview.

Our Goals

The CAC is committed to maintaining our accreditation status. The goal is to reduce additional trauma to victims of child abuse by working with a multidisciplinary team to conduct one child friendly and professional forensic interview to ensure that children are not victimized again by the very system designed to protect them. The CAC wishes to continue to be a resource for training our multidisciplinary members, our staff, and our volunteers.

voices of truth

Take a look at the CAC’s “Voices of Truth” tri-fold pamphlet to find out more about the center and the services we provide.  To request copies for your agency/organization, please email us at: administrative.assistant@childrensadvocacyctr.org

To view, download, and print the pamphlet, click HERE.

Please Make a Difference

Your donations make a difference in the life of a child and are needed for us to continue this vital service. Be a part of the cause!