Our Story

The Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) for Child Abuse Assessment and Treatment was formed in response to the need for a specialized service facility for child victims of crime in east Los Angeles County; specifically the San Gabriel Valley. In July 2004, the CAC opened it’s doors in Pomona, CA.
The CAC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded on a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach to provide victim-centered services to those we serve. This includes forensic interviews conducted in a child-friendly setting to children and adults with disabilities who may have been abused (physically or sexually), or children and adults with disabilities who have witnessed violent crimes. Forensic interviews can be requested by child protection social workers, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors for investigations in which there is suspected abuse. The interviews are recorded and conducted in a manner that’s child-focused, culturally sensitive, and trauma informed.
The MDT consists of prosecutors, law enforcement investigators, child protection social workers, victim advocates, forensic nurses, and mental health providers. Information sharing occurs between the MDT before the interview is conducted. MDT members watch the interview via closed circuit TV and provide input for follow-up questioning. This approach allows each agency to realize their respective goals, yet minimizes the number of times the child must be interviewed. Recording the interview reduces inconsistent statements and often leads to case settlement which also reduces trauma to children. Research has validated the long-held belief that when interactions with children are age-appropriate and provided in a supportive manner, children are more likely to provide accurate and truthful information to investigators, clinicians and other professionals.
The CAC’s victim advocates meet with children and non-offending family members to provided resources and referrals for counseling while at the CAC. Advocates continue to assist children and families in the weeks and months after their visit to the Center. Whether it’s locating additional resources (food, clothing, legal services, etc.) or preparing victims for a trial in court, advocates are a pillar of support for families during an already difficult time.
The CAC now serves over 700 children and their families per year and assists agencies and professionals in the community with free consulting services regarding issues of abuse. The CAC is funded by private donations, foundation grants, and a federal grant. This support allows the CAC the privilege to provide services at no cost to the families and partner agencies of the MDT.
In 2014 the CAC was accredited by the National Children’s Alliance (NCA), joining over 700 other member programs across the United States. The Children’s Advocacy Center is one of two accredited centers in Los Angeles County.
2014 also brought about a move for the organization. The Children’s Advocacy Center upgraded to a 5,600 square foot home on the Masonic Homes campus in Covina; located in a tranquil park-like setting. In addition to having more than twice the amount of space, the home is very welcoming for children and adults.
The CAC also entered into a partnership with Pet Prescription Team to provide volunteer dog handlers and therapy dogs to greet and wait with children and their families before a forensic interview. Therapy dogs empower victims and provide emotional support. There is a body of scientific evidence proving dogs impact our blood pressure and other health indicators in a positive way. Minimizing stress and reducing anxiety for victims and their families is consistent with the CAC’s mission. Therapy dogs are routinely used at hospitals and airports to relieve stress for patients and travelers. The CAC is proud to be the first child advocacy center in Los Angeles County to begin this kind of program.
Over the years the center has continued to grow and provide quality services to the community.The CAC received a Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors commendation for the services we provide to abused children in 2015. In 2017, the CAC entered into a partnership with the Masonic Center for Youth and Families to provide mental health services to the children and families that come to the CAC. Most recently (2018), the CAC opened a satellite site in Los Alamitos to serve the children in the Long Beach and surrounding areas.
The CAC is constantly striving to implement research based, best practices in the services we provide, increase the number of children and families that we serve and help children return to the joys of childhood and the promise of a full, successful life — free of abuse.